Case Studies

DigiGone Case Study #1

Vessel Allision


A vessel was transitioning from the Port of Said to enter the Suez Canal. The local Host Nation Harbor Pilot was onboard and in control of the vessel. The vessel lost engine power due to a mechanical failure. The Captain immediately radioed the Boatswain (who was on the bow of the ship) to drop anchor. The intent of the Captain was to slow and eventually stop the ship as he did not have an engine. The Harbor Pilot countermanded the Captain’s orders and told him not to drop the anchor. The Captain ordered the ship hard to port to avoid colliding with other vessels in the harbor. Without any way to stop the vessel which was traveling at approximately seven knots, the vessel collided with a moored ship that contained over 1200 passengers. There was considerable damage to the moored vessel, but no damage to the other ship or injuries on either vessel. 

The local government impounded the vessel for investigation. These normally take up to thirty days. The customer contacted DigiGone to remotely retrieve recorded video of the incident from the vessel’s onboard CCTV system. During the investigation, the Harbor Pilot denied countermanding the order to drop anchor. A review of the bridge video and audio supported the Captain’s report and disproved the Harbor Pilots account of the incident.

The vessel was released three days after the incident occurred.

Key Points

  • Once the vessel lost engine power, there was no way to stop the vessel aside from dropping anchor which would eventually slow the vessel to a stop.
  • The Captain ordered to drop the anchor.
  • The Harbor Pilot countermanded the order.
  • The vessel collided with another vessel that was moored to a pier.
  • The vessel was impounded.
  • During the investigation the Harbor Pilot denied countermanding the Captain’s order to drop anchor.
  • The investigative authority was presented with the recording of the bridge video and audio substantiating the Captain’s account of the event.
  • The vessel was released within three days of the incident and the crew was cleared of any wrongdoing.

Impact on Operations

Significant- An impoundment of a vessel could cost a shipping company hundreds of thousands of dollars a day in fines and lost revenue. 

Cost Savings

  • Millions of dollars in lost revenue, fines and restitution avoided as well as the protection of the careers of the Captain and Chief Engineer if the vessel was found at fault and/or impounded for up to thirty days.
  • The investment in the installation of the CCTV system was repaid in dividends.

DigiGone Case Study #2
Finger Reconstruction at Sea


While at sea, a vessel’s engineer slipped and fell. He attempted to catch himself by reaching out and grabbing something to hold onto. As a result a piece of steel sliced into his finger and severely gouged the bone. He was rushed to the ship’s infirmary, the telemedicine service provider was contacted and a secure video teleconference was established between the service provider and the vessel’s Designated Medical Officer (DMO) using the DigiMed kit. Over the next three hours, a doctor remotely supervised and guided the Captain and DMO, through the kit as they debrided the wound, and reconstructed the crewman’s finger. That procedure could not have been performed without the use of the kit and its video. The crew member’s finger was saved and a diversion was avoided.

Key Points

  • Serious injury occurred to a crew member at sea.
  • Vessel had an existing telemedicine service
  • The use of video allowed a physician to guide the onboard care providers to perform a very delicate procedure.
  • The use of video and the tools in the kit is the reason the finger was saved and a diversion was avoided

Impact on Operations

  • A crew member’s finger was saved.
  • A diversion was avoided and the vessel stayed on course.

Cost Savings

Avoidance of the cost of over a hundred thousand dollars when you take into account the following:
  • Course diversion to nearest port that could handle such a medical emergency
  • Helicopter evacuation once the vessel was in range
  • Fuel consumed as the vessel proceeded at best speed to the evacuation point and then back on course to their destination port to make up for the lost time.
  • Fines for delay in route. 

DigiGone Case Study #3
Pirate Attack Thwarted


While transiting High Threat Waters (HTW), the Captain of a vessel spotted two small craft approaching his vessel from astern. The Captain slewed one of the Pan/Tilt/Zoom cameras and zoomed in on the approaching craft to take a closer look. Due to the significant zoom capability of the camera, the Captain was able to identify the approaching vessels as hostile and took evasive action. The Captain’s ability to detect the hostile craft quickly, allowed him to avoid an attack that was imminent and to then return to his normal course and speed. All of which was recorded on the CCTV systems hard drives. 

Key Points

  • Vessel was transiting HTW
  • Captain used the CCTV system to detect and properly identify approaching craft as hostile earlier than he would if he did not have the CCTV system. 
  • This early detection allowed the vessel to take immediate action and avoid an attack.
  • Captain and vessel’s actions were recorded and stored for review incase their actions were questioned.

Impact on Operations

Significant- An imminent attack on the vessel was avoided.

Cost Savings

  • Unknown. It can only be assumed that injury or loss of life was prevented as well as the capture of or damage to the vessel.

DigiGone Case Study #4
Engine Room Fire Detected at Sea


While transiting the Atlantic Ocean, the Chief Engineer detected a fire starting on the number five cylinder of the vessel’s engine. He detected the fire by observing the flames on the CCTV monitor located in the Engine Control Room. The Chief Engineer immediately shut the engine down, notified the bridge and took immediate action to limit the spread of the fire, protect the crew and further damage. The Chief Engineer then used the CCTV cameras to determine if the fire was completely extinguished, to make sure the area was clear of any crew and to determine when it was safe to enter the area. During an after action brief, both the Captain and Chief Engineer credited the CCTV system for detecting the fire and preventing any additional damage from occurring to the vessel.

Key Points

  • Vessel was at sea when the fire started
  • It was the CCTV system and not alarms that brought the fire to the attention of the Chief Engineer
  • The CCTV system was an integral part in detecting the fire and assessing if there were any crew members in that compartment, if the fire was completely extinguished and if it was safe to enter the affected compartment.

Impact on Operations

Significant- The early detection of the fire minimized the damage to the vessel and possibly saved the vessel itself.

Cost Savings

Could range from several hundred to millions of dollars let alone any threat to life. 

DigiGone Case Study #5
Remote Neurological Assessment at Sea


While transiting the Mediterranean, a yacht owner’s daughter slipped and fell, striking her head and rendering her unconscious for a brief moment. The father immediately called his telemedicine service provider on the satellite phone and was instructed to turn on the DigiMed telemedicine kit. Once a secure video conference was established, the doctor performed a neurological assessment through the use of the kit’s remote handheld camera by guiding the father who was holding the camera. The physician determined that there was not any neurological damage done to the child and the vessel continued on its course.

Key Points

  • Vessel was at sea when the injury occurred
  • Yacht had an existing telemedicine service provider
  • Video was used to examine the child and determine the extent of the injury
  • Diversion was avoided

Impact on Operations

Significant- If the doctor would not have been able to properly assess the child’s potential injuries, the yacht would have been directed to make to the nearest port that had a hospital equipped to handle head trauma.

Cost Savings

  • Unknown.

DigiGone Case Study #6
Scalp Suturing at Sea


While transiting the Atlantic, a crew member on a commercial container ship slipped and fell, striking his head and lacerating his scalp. The crew member was brought to the onboard infirmary where the designated medical officer contacted their medical service provider. Through the use of the various diagnostic tools and cameras in the digiMed telemedicine kit, the care provider remotely examined the injury and conducted a neurological survey of the crew member. With another crew member holding the kit’s remote camera over the injured member’s laceration, the doctor guided the designated medical officer as they cleaned and sutured the three-inch laceration in the crew member’s scalp, all the while as the vessel transited through rough seas. Upon completion of the exam and suturing, the physician determined that there was not any neurological damage done to the crew member and the vessel continued on its course.

Key Points

  • Vessel was at sea when the injury occurred
  • Yacht had an existing telemedicine service provider
  • Video was used to examine the crew member to determine the extent of the injury and to provide guidance during treatment
  • Diversion was avoided

Impact on Operations

Significant- If the doctor would not have been able to properly assess the crew member’s potential neurological injuries and guide the suturing of the laceration, the vessel would have been directed to make to the nearest port that had a hospital equipped to handle head trauma.

Cost Savings


DigiGone Case Study #7
Remote Clinical Support in Austere Environment


The digiMed Five Plus telemedicine kit coupled with the support from George Washington University’s Medical Faculty Associates consultation has given SOS International (SOSi) the ability to provide top tier care to their staff and customers in very austere environments.

SOSi is the US’s largest family-owned defense contractor with a presence in over 30 countries. Their medical operation provides Role 1 (Battalion Aid Station) clinical care to over 1500 men and women supporting US and Coalition forces in the Middle East. The digiMed Five Plus has been used for original diagnostics and higher-level consultative care with GWU/MFA. The equipment has been used in the clinic and remotely on a call using the local area Wi-Fi signal to access the GWU/MFA medical services. The combination of the superior technology and great medical support has allowed SOSi to provide for the best possible care and is credited with assisting in several “saves” over the past year.
When an adult male serving in an austere, remote location showed classic cardiac symptoms, SOSi paramedics engaged telemedicine protocols, connecting immediately with the company’s Chief Medical Officer at GW University Hospital in Washington, D.C. A cardiology consult via TeleMed and lab test conducted onsite, coupled with an EKG, indicated no life-threatening cardiac event. The integrated treatment plan prevented an unnecessary evacuation and resulted in the correct patient care and no lost time for the company.

Key Points

  • Individual shows classic cardiac symptoms
  • Paramedics can immediately connect with and send patient medical data to a specialist at GW/MFA via digiMed Five Plus Kit 
  • Diagnosis and treatment prescriptions are administered
  • Personnel down time and medical evacuations are reduced, avoiding significant time lost and cost to the military support operations

Impact on Operations

  • Saved several lives.
  • Reduced cost, increased operational up time

DigiGone Case Study #8
Remote Clinical Support in Angola


The country of Angola has a population of approximately 26 million people, is approximately twice the size of Texas, comprised of 18 provinces, 162 municipalities, which are divided into a total of 559 townships.  

The Angolan Ministry of Health has initiated a telemedicine pilot program to bring basic and enhanced medical care to villages within those townships. Trained medical technicians travel to the various villages with the digiMed Five Plus telemedicine kit and a satellite transceiver, setup temporary clinics and receive patients with various conditions requiring medical treatment. Using the Five Plus kit, the patient and medical technician communicate directly with doctors in Luanda (the capital of Angola) where the doctor ‘virtually’ examines the patient, diagnoses the condition based on the medical device data they receive and their real time conversation with the patient using the encrypted video conferencing program installed in the kit, and provides a treatment recommendation. All of the patient medical data is securely transmitted to the hospital for inclusion in the electronic medical record.

Upon completion, the medical technician travels to another village and provides medical care to those residents.

Key Points

  • Medical care can be brought to townships where doctors can ‘virtually’ examine and diagnose patients
  • A traveling medical technician with a digiMed Five Plus telemedicine kit communicating with a doctor back at the hospital is an exponential medical care force multiplier
  • Residents in outlying areas are receiving medical care, where they otherwise would not

Impact on Operations

  • Telemedicine portability significantly enhances healthcare opportunities for the citizens of Angola.
  • Improving citizen’s health results in a healthier, happier and more productive society.
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