
Enhance Safety

Improve Performance

Reduce Liability and Costs


Maintaining schedules and ‘up time’ is critical to the revenue flow in the aeronautical market. DigiGone® provides a variety of solutions to keep your aircraft on track and on schedule. 


Telemedicine with digiMed®

• Provides immediate care for passengers and crew.

Five Plus kit streams patient data live to the doctor during the video call.

• Reduce diversions with a more accurate diagnosis.

Secure Multimedia Communications with digiChat®

• Safeguards your communications and customer's personal information from end to end.

• Uses National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) approved encryption algorithms.

• Provides remote video technical assistance, getting the aircraft back into service quickly.

Remote Managed Video with digiView®

• Enhances perimeter security for aircraft while on the ground.

• Provides remote access to in-cabin cameras while in the air, in real time.

• Enables the remote retrieval of archived video/audio immediately after an incident has occurred.


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Aeronautical Solutions

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